I Will Burn You Down (signed)

I Will Burn You Down (signed)


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Collected here for the first time, you will find the patreon reward chapbooks of Michael Allen Rose for 2017. Bizarro. Horror. Weird literary madness. Plays. Syntax. Stories. Absurdism. Sink pirhanas. Weird beards. Floating children looking for their demon daddy. Unbeatable chickens playing tic-tac-toe. Nightmares, and dreams, and smut, and insanity; it's all right here. This edition of the book has tried to retain the idiosyncrasies of the original published chapbooks wherever possible, which includes graphical anomalies, cartoon panels and liner notes. This is the first volume, which represents the first year of the Patreon campaign, and the original pieces as separate booklets can only be obtained through a subscription to the author's patreon project. This book was lovingly crafted to allow more people to experience the treasures coming from the project. Be ready. I will burn you down.



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